Picture of 'Physicians of Myddfai' Book

Meddygon Myddfai

Meddygon Myddfai – The Physicians of Myddfai were pioneers of modern medicine through herbalism in the twelfth century. Contrary to the prevalent view that medieval times were ‘The Dark Ages’, they were in fact when the first universities were being founded and monastic schools established.

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The Major Oak

Oak – Ancient, Magical & Sacred Trees 2

Oak Trees are living legends, they have been common in Britain for the last 12,000 years, since the last ice-age. Living to be up to a 1,000 years old it is no wonder that they have so much folklore and so many beliefs attached to them.

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Oak Trees are living legends, they have been common in Britain for the last 12,000 years, since the last ice-age. Living to be up to a 1,000 years old it is no wonder that they have so much folklore and so many beliefs attached to them.

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The Wild Hunt

Gwynn ap Nudd

The Wild Hunt; a belief that occurs in all regions of the Boreal Forest (A circumpolar forest that rings the Northern Hemisphere. Mostly north of the 50th parallel). A belief that may be as old as mankind itself. In Welsh mythology Gwynn ap Nudd is the leader of the wild hunt. Apart from being the leader who is Gwynn? What exactly is his role?

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